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1 何苗,宝鸡文理学院计算机学院,博士

报告人简介: 何苗,2019年毕业于西安电子科技大学,获理学博士学位。主要研究方向随机非线性系统的控制,在国内外公开发行刊物《Applied Mathematics and Computation (JCR 1 , Top, IF: 4.397)、《ISA Transactions(JCR 1 , IF: 5.911)、《International Journal of Systems Science(JCR 2 , IF: 2.648)和《International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing(JCR 2 , IF: 3.369)等杂志,以第一作者发表学术论文10余篇,其中5篇被SCI收录。主持陕西省教育厅项目1项和多项校级科研课题的研究工作。2020年荣获宝鸡市第十九届自然科学学术研究领域获得优秀成果的科技工作者二等奖1项、获宝鸡文理学院2020-2021年度教师教学比赛暨课堂创新大赛二等奖1项、指导学生参加2021年全国大学生数学建模竞赛获省级二等奖1项、2020年获得陕西省科技工作者创新创业大赛三等奖”1




利用事件驱动的方法研究了随机马尔科夫跳变系统的自适应动态面预设性能控制问题。利用Backstepping 技术的方法,同时提出了两种具有平均驻留时间的自适应动态面控制器和事件驱动策略。在控制器中增加修正项用来补偿策略误差,避免随机系统中随机输入到状态稳定的假设。提出的方法保证闭环随机马尔科夫跳变不确定非线性系统的所有信号在概率意义下是有界的,跟踪误差信号在四阶矩的意义下收敛到预先设定的界内并且成功地避免了Zeno现象。此外,依赖于控制信号设计的相对阈值策略可以降低事件发生的频率。仿真结果验证该方法的有效性。


2 韩凤荣,宝鸡文理学院计算机学院,博士


报告题目Effect of Fitness Function on Range-Free Localization Algorithm Based on Metaheuristic Optimization Method

报告摘要Meta-heuristic optimization method provides new ideas and solutions for solving complex problems, and it has been widely adopted in the field of wireless sensor networks for range-free localization schemes. The problem of solving the nonlinear equations in the localization algorithm is transformed into an optimal solution problem. How to choose the best localization fitness function for a specific target is a key factor in determining whether the localization algorithm is accurate or not. However, so far there is no literature to investigate the influence of fitness function on rang-free localization algorithm. Firstly, this study comprehensively reviews and classifies the frequently-used localization fitness function in range-free localization scheme. Next, multiple experiments are carried out for each typical localization fitness function. The experimental results are thoroughly analyzed in terms of accuracy and stability. Besides, the advantage and disadvantage of each typical localization fitness function are given. Finally, a new localization fitness function with superior performance is proposed based on the above experimental results, which will provide a guide and reference for selection, and improvement of the range-free localization algorithm.


报告人简介:樊攀,博士,2022 年博士毕业于西北农林科技大学。主要从事农业机器人领域研究,在国内外公开发行刊物《Remote Sensing》(SCI 一区Top)、《Computers and Electronics in Agriculture》等杂志,发表学术论文 10 余篇,其中 3 篇被 SCI 一区收录,影响因子 5.565,获实用新型专 2 项。主持宝鸡文理学院校级重点科研项目 1 项,参与国家十三五国家重点研发计划项目 1 项、农业部苹果全程机械化科研基地建设项目 1 项、杨凌示范区重大项目 1 项、中央高校科研业务费基础研究计划项目 1 项。多次获校级优秀教师、优秀实习带队教师、优秀班主任称号。



4 张微,宝鸡文理学院计算机学院,博士

报告人简介: 张微,工学博士,讲师,于2019年毕业于西北大学计算机应用技术专业,主要从事目标跟踪、图像处理等方面的研究。近年来,在《Journal of Electronic Imaging》、《IEEE Access》、《Chinese Journal of Electronics》和《中国图象图形学报》等国内外学术期刊共发表学术论文10余篇,其中SCIEI检索6余篇。

报告题目Spatial-Temporal Aware Object Tracking Method of Correlation Filter

报告摘要Object tracking is one of the most important problems in computer vision. It has been widely applied in many fields, such as video surveillance, autonomous driving, behavior recognition, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) tracking, and other real scenes. Recently, correlation filter (CF) based trackers have made remarkable progress, and they have become a hot research spot due to their promising performance and efficiency. Although a large number of methods have been proposed, the complexity of tracking itself, the variability of scenarios, and the diversity of application background make it challenging to achieve robust and efficient object tracking, especially for frequent, or heavy occlusions and the re-detection problems in long-term tasks. This report first gives an overview of object tracking and summarizes several related studies, then introduces our work (STALT) that jointly incorporates the spatial and temporal information of the target into the CF framework and reports the experimental results, and finally presents the conclusion.

5 陈冬,宝鸡文理学院计算机学院,博士

报告个人简介:博士研究生,讲师。现任多个SCI期刊和国际会议评审。主要研究方向为基于机器学习、深度学习的模式识别与数据挖掘,在国内外公开发行刊物《IEEE Internet of Things Journal》、《Journal of Reliable Intelligent Environments》等杂志,发表学术论文近10篇,其中3篇被SCI一区收录,影响因子9.471。主持陕西省教育厅科技项目1项、校级教改项目1项,多次获校级优秀教师称号。

报告题目Locally-weighted Ensemble Detection-based Adaptive Random Forest Classifier for Sensor-based Online Activity Recognition for Multiple Residents

报告摘要In recent years, various approaches for multi-resident Human Activity Recognition (HAR) in a smart indoor environment have been developed and improved along with the rapid development of sensors and AI technologies. Research in data stream-based Online Learning (OL) for multi-resident HAR is relatively new and a majority of the existing works have been developed based on training batches of data that can not recognize real-time activities. To address the challenges of online learning for multi-resident HAR, we propose a novel online learning architecture based on a locally-weighted ensemble detection-based adaptive random forest classifier (LED-ARF). We conduct a comprehensive performance comparison of eight famous online learning classification techniques and our LED-ARF method. The comparison is evaluated based on the two benchmarking CASAS and ARAS datasets. Our experimental results show that LED-ARF achieves the best performance with the highest robustness for online multi-resident HAR.

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